My daughter Joanna was born in December 2018 and KINDNESS has been there helping me keep her healthy right from the start. I had quite a few issues to work through with breastfeeding and KINDNESS was an absolute lifesaver. I don’t think I could’ve continued to breastfeed without Heather’s help. She made numerous home visits and weight checks and she helped me figure out why breastfeeding was so challenging for me. I am so very grateful for her help and can now breastfeed without any pain. In addition to the help I received with breastfeeding, KINDNESS was also very helpful when I started to give my daughter solids. I attended their infant nutrition class and enjoyed learning about the basics of feeding an infant. After feeding my daughter solids for a month without any issues, she started to have long vomiting episodes. Immediately I called Heather and she walked with me through the whole process…attending doctor appointments with me, doing weight checks, and calling to check up on Joanna and I. I cannot express my level of gratitude for Kindness and feel so blessed Kodiak has such a wonderful program for families.