Kelp, Kodiak Island, Alaska

Evidence-based info at your fingertips 

Infant Feeding Resources

Welcome to our Education Pages!

We hope you find the information you’re looking for quickly and easily. We know how confusing it can be to search the web for answers to your infant feeding questions; we’ve tried our best to do some background work for you, so that you can trust the information you find here.

Infant Nutrition Class

We teach the developmental approach to starting solids and introducing a cup, based on AAP infant nutrition recommendations. We offer a couple of options to fit your life!

  • Group Session, offered the first Thursday of every month: 6:30 – 7:30 pm,  Kodiak Public Library multipurpose room. We encourage you to attend this fun, experiential, in-person class (we offer taste-testing of baby food!). CONTACT US to pre-register, or just show up! All ages are welcome.
  • Individual Feeding Consults: Schedule a personalized session either virturally or in your own home with one of our experienced team members. CONTACT US to start a conversation about how we can help you.
  • A pre-recorded class (right here on this page) you can watch anytime, at your convenience!

Infant Nutrition Video

2 Week Milestone

6 Week Milestone

3 Month Milestone

6 Month Milestone

9 Month Milestone

12 Month Milestone


Infant Feeding by Milestones

Navigate to the post that most closely matches your baby’s age. You’ll find a concise overview of what we feel are the most important feeding topics you should be up to date on, matched to the age or stage your baby is passing through right now!

Tips and Tools Library

Browse our alphabetized library of infant feeding posts for current information focused on specific topics, questions or concerns, or just peruse it for curiosity! We are always working on expanding our library. CONTACT US if you don’t find what you’re looking for and we’ll add it! Check back often for updates and new posts.

Nail by nail…

  Katie Olsen