Valley feeding Three Saints Bay, Kodiak Island

Help us grow a healthier next generation!

Show Your Support

Why KINDNESS works!

Like the stream that feeds the ocean in Three Saints Bay, the KINDNESS Project starts as “upstream” as it gets…on the first day of a baby’s life. Support for healthy infant feeding is proven to boost parents’ confidence, parental-child attachment and the overall emotional and mental health of the entire family (we can’t emphasize how important this is!). For the infant, healthy feeding enhances brain development, visual acuity, the immune system, the gut microbiome, and many other things too numerous to list.

The work that KINDNESS does is noble and profound; we are honored to support parents as they bring new life into the world. Explore this page to find out how KINDNESS makes every donation count, and how you can choose to focus your gift on what means the most to you.

Sponsor a Kodiak Kid to get a healthy start in life!

Program Costs

Funding preventive health care is the biggest bang for your health care dollar that you’ll ever get. KINDNESS does not bill health insurance or charge participants for services, so your contribution directly supports families. Participants do not make appointments with us; a quick call or a text triggers service within the same day, often within hours. All we need are cell phones, cars and compassion (the latter of which is free but invaluable!). See below for how our funding is allocated to different parts of our program.

Make a Donation Online

Donate by Mail

  Heather Preece


Time Spent with Families

Direct program services comprise most of our expenses, literally, the time KINDNESS team members spend supporting and educating families, whenever needed.

Direct program services comprise most of our expenses, literally, the time our valued Peer Counselors spend supporting and educating families, whenever needed.


Supplies and Technology

We keep a small inventory of infant feeding supplies not available in local stores, maintain a 24 hour phone line, and subscribe to a HIPAA-compliant messaging platform.


Training and Mentorship

We train volunteers and up-and-coming professionals to spread KINDNESS and help families everywhere they go, as an IBCLE-recognized Breastfeeding Support Counsellor Organization.


Office Space & Overhead

We don’t need an office…we call families on our phones and visit them in the hospital or in their own home. Keeping it simple allows us to use your donation where it counts most – for direct services.


Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend

Look for Kodiak KINDNESS Project in 2024! Pick.Click.Give. is available to Alaskans who file for their Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD) online.  Applicants may choose to contribute to Kodiak KINDNESS in $25 increments, up to the entire amount of the dividend. Visit Pick.Click.Give more details.


Consider KINDNESS when you apply for your PFD!

Support our local business partners!

Kodiak Profit Sharing

KINDNESS is all about supporting “Kodiak-grown-and-owned” programs and businesses. We have entered into several profit-sharing agreements with local businesses! We want to keep our community thriving through locally owned and operated services and locally sourced supplies. Visit our Community Partners page for all the details…and we encourage you to frequent these Kodiak establishments, who in turn give so much back to our town. It’s a win-win all around. 


Community Partners

  Heather Preece




To make an offline donation, follow these steps:

1. Write a check payable to Kodiak KINDNESS.
2. If you wish, on the memo line of the check, write "program costs" (if you leave this blank, we'll use the funds for what we need most!).
3. Mail your check to: P.O. Box 8704 Kodiak, AK, USA 99615
Please contact us if you do not receive a receipt within 90 days. Your tax-deductible donation is greatly appreciated!
Offline Donations

Donate by mail instructions

Please follow these steps:

1. Please make your check payable to the "Kodiak KINDNESS Project."

2. If you wish, on the memo line of the check, write "Endowment Fund," "Program Costs," or "Peer Counselor Sponsor." If you leave the memo blank, we'll use the funds where they are needed most.

3. Mail your check to: P.O. Box 8704 Kodiak, AK, USA 99615

4. Please contact us if you do not receive a receipt within 90 days. Your tax-deductible donation is greatly appreciated!